Talk to You Soon!

You've made a great choice to see us, and we'll call you ASAP to find a day/time that works for you to come in.

Good to Remember

    • Please provide us with all necessary insurance information.
      • This is very important so we can provide you with the best price quote for your treatment!
    • Make sure you‘re up to date with your last dental cleaning.
      • If you're last dental cleaning was within the last six months, you’re good to go!
      • If you have one coming up, just let us know, but if your last cleaning was more than six months ago or you do not have a dental home, call our offices before you appointment and we’ll help you find a dental home!
    • Clear your schedule, and be prepared to start braces on the same day!
      • Your records, exam, and consult with your doctor will take about 45 - 60 minutes.


We accept payments in the form of:
    • Credit card
    • Debit card
    • Cash
 If you have any insurance or financial questions, you can find the answers on our Insurance & Finances page.